I'm pleased if you like XiMpLe and it's helping you.
If you want to reward or support my work you can make a donation.
I will really appreciate your generosity.

Thank you very much.

You wrote about XiMpLe:

● Thank you so much for this tool! I LOVE IT!

● I've been using your software for the last couple of weeks to sift through an XML file, and it has been indispensable.

● Love this tool, one of the best I've seen. I very rarely edit XML files, but when I need to this is the tool I use.

● I am using your editor since a full year and love it. The quality of it and the small price has no equal on the market. Furthermore, you're still actively developing or bugfixing it. Congratulations!

● Hey, just wanted to tell you that ximple is the best program I've used for XML and XSD work. You've done a great job.
  J.J., USA

● Amazing! No more stone-age editing :)
  T.L., USA

● Wow, phantastic software! I have to work with some very complex XMLs and would simply be lost without this extremely effective tool for visualization.
  S.K., Germany

● I am not an XML expert but sometimes I have to convert data in excel files to xml.
  I couldn't find anything as simple as XiMpLe to copy and paste data from spreadsheet to multilevels xml files.
  I hope you will keep on improving this tool. I'm sure that many others will appreciate it. Thanks.
  M.N., Italy

● Fantastic, even better than some paid software. Thank you.

● I love your program; it does exactly what I need without all of the other "features" (bloatware) of more expensive programs.
  J.J., USA

● XiMpLe XML editor is my fav xml editor. Been looking for a simple xml editor that
  can view and edit xml file in table/grid layout so that can easier interchange data with
  excel table... Tried several xml editor trial such as Oxygen XML Editor, Liquid Studio 2019,
  Stylus Studio X16 Enterprise, EditiX XML Professional 2020, Altova XMLSpy 2020 Enterprise,
  XML ValidatorBuddy, and XmlPad. Initially selected Oxygen XML as my editor as it has
  xml grid editor that suit me compare to the rest of the tools. Used for 1 day and
  realised that i can’t do a simple copy-and-paste value from one column to multiple
  rows of same columns. Hence back to google again. And this time found this simple
  XiMpLe XML editor that meet my expectation and allow me to edit xml in grid just
  like using excel. Furthermore it only has one file that does not requires any
  installation and having filesize around 700KB only! Always love such simple tool that
  does the job perfectly.

● Very cool, thank you. I was looking for sorting of column and found it.

● Thank you for developing such a good tool to edit xml files.
  W.Z., China

● The table view allows us to view the data clearly and make multiple changes in conjunction with Excel by copying and pasting. The fact that we can paste right out of Excel is also a great feature.
  S.B., Australia

● Your program is very good ...in what it does.. You must be a millionare by now! I came across it just when I was looking for a xml file splitter.
  M.N., USA

● Fantastic XML Editor. Simple, fast and yet mighty.
  P.T., Czech Republic